jeudi 17 octobre 2019

DZPCB #34 - KiCad 5, Libraries Management.

Essalamou Aleykoum,
I have a request from some followers of my channel, to do a video on how to create our own components. In this video you will learn how to create a library of components and how to manage the symbols, footprints, 3d bodies on that library. So follow me to the end.

lundi 7 octobre 2019

DZPCB #33 - KiCad 5, Gerber files, PDF Schematic & Co.

Essalamou Aleykoum,
Today we will learn how to generate Gerbers files for the pcb manufacturing and how to generate pdf schematic and also how to generate top and bottom layers in pdf format in case you decide to manufacture your pcb at home.  

vendredi 9 novembre 2018

DZPCB #32 - KiCad 5, PCB Layout.

Essalamou Aleykoum,
This time we do PCB layout, and see how to setup the design rules, and also how to setup the nets classes, and some others tasks like adding via, ground plane, importing and placing logo, 3D view of the final board with 3D rendering etc..

vendredi 26 octobre 2018

DZPCB #31 - KiCad 5, Components Placement.

Essalamou Aleykoum,
This video talk about components placements and how to define the famous board outline of the Arduino board. Follow me.

samedi 13 octobre 2018

DZPCB #30 - KiCad 5, Footprints and Netlist.

Essalamou Aleykoum,
In this video we will talk about how to assign footprints with their symbols
and how to generate the netlist. Follow the guide.

mercredi 3 octobre 2018

DZPCB #28 - KiCad 5, Schematic PART-1

Essalamou Aleykoum,
In this video we will start learning how to do a schematic capture, components annotations and run a ERC (Electrical Rules Check) in KiCad 5.