lundi 24 septembre 2018

DZPCB #27 - KiCad 5, Presentation.

Essalamou Aleykoum,
It's time to learn a new software called KiCad 5.
Some of you may wonder, why again another schematic and pcb design software ?
Follow me on this video, for the answer.

To download kicad 5, go to:

mercredi 12 septembre 2018

DZPCB #26 - JLCPCB Prototypes quality test.

Essalamou Aleykoum,
I have juste finished 2 pcb projects, and ordered some prototypes at JLCPCB.
In this video we will talk, about quality and prices at JLCPCB.
Just see the video to the end.

To order at JLCPCB website go to :